This is a multi step form.  

First you need to enter the username that you are looking to reset the password for.  Enter it into the box and then click Submit.  

Second you will see the question that you provided as part of your account setup.  Enter the answer to the question into the box provided and click Submit.  

Then if the answer matches the one recorded in your account, an email will be sent to the email address in your account with a link to reset the password. 

Otherwise if the answer does NOT match the one recorded in your account, an error will be displayed.  If this happens you would then need to contact Customer Service to have your password reset.  The phone number is 780-458-4500.

After receiving the email and clicking the link a second webpage will be shown to enter a new password.  When resetting your password please be careful to follow the password rules.  
  • 8 characters in length
  • must have 1 upper case letter
  • must have 1 lower case letter
  • must have 1 number
  • must have 1 special character

Please enter your username: Submit